Scan by Staff vs. Scan by Graduate

Scan by Staff vs. Scan by Graduate

Scan by Staff

You can assign one staff member to be responsible for Scanning the QR code on the graduates’ Card or GradPass. The location of this staff member will vary depending on if your team is using Auto-Advance or Manual Advance. For Auto-Advance, this staff member will manage the speed of the stage crossing. There should be marks on the floor using gaffer tape to identify when the scanner should scan the QR Code to ensure that the graduate is in the video shot while their name is displayed and announced.

Scan by Graduate

To have the graduates scan their own QR Code, use the scanning stand provided with your QR code scanner. Use the Scanner Programming Guide to pre-program your scanner for “hands-free mode”. Locate the scanning station directly next to the graduate release point and have someone nearby providing instructions to the graduates as they approach the stage. 

IMPORTANT: When scanning a paper graduate card, make sure to scan the MarchingOrder QR code on the front of the card and NOT any possible photographer’s QR code on the back of the card.