Scanner Programming Guide

Scanner Programming Guide

Scanner Settings

Audio Settings

The codes below lets you adjust whether your QR scanner beeps after scanning a code, and allows you to control the volume of the beep.

A beep signals a successful scan, which is useful when scanning graduate cards. However, if the scanner is close to a microphone, the beep might be picked up and amplified through the speakers. Alternatively, a loud outdoor stadium might drown out the sound of the scanner. In such cases, you will need to adjust the volume of the beep accordingly.

MarchingOrder recommends lowering the volume when needed, but never disabling it entirely. The beep serves as a crucial indicator to confirm that graduate cards are scanned successfully each time.

Hands Free Mode

Hands free mode allows graduates to scan their graduate cards themselves before crossing the stage. Use the stand provided with your gear shipment, and the scanner will automatically function in hands-free mode. You will see the red scanning area remain active and automatically read any code placed under it. 

Alternatively, the “Hands-Free Mode” barcode sequence below will calibrate the scanner to stay in hands-free mode without the stand, so graduate cards can be scanned without needing to press the trigger button. 
When the scanner is reset to “Standard Mode”, the trigger will need to be used in order to complete a scan.

Dual Calibration Settings

Calibrate Scanners for Dual/ Two-Line Ceremony

It is important to note that this is an optional step to operate your dual ceremony. By adding a suffix to graduates who enter stage right or left, MarchingOrder will be able to track how many and which graduates entered on each side of the queue. It does this by adding a “-B” or “-C” to the end of each graduate's unique QR code.

These letters will show in the procession logs, which can be exported and saved after the ceremony and utilized for future planning at your events.

If you choose to not add the suffix, the software will function normally, but procession logs will simply not include which side of the stage graduates walked from. 

Remove Dual Suffix

The following scanning sequence makes it so the QR scanner will no longer add the “-B” or “-C” suffix at the end of each graduate’s QR code within the procession logs.
Note: If you forget to remove the suffix by accident, graduate cards will still scan normally into the software and the ceremony will proceed as usual. 

Reset Scanner to Factory Default Setting

If you are having technical difficulties with your scanner, or wish to configure the scanner settings from scratch, scan the following sequence below.