Manual vs Auto Advance

Manual vs Auto Advance


This setting in your MarchingOrder Director software controls what happens when a graduate card or GradPass is scanned. In Auto-Advance mode, the software is set to display / announce graduates immediately when their QR code is scanned. Alternatively, it may be set to Manual Advance, where scanned QR codes are placed in a queue. A Name Advancer then uses the keyboard to click the down arrow and advance graduate names when appropriate. 

Auto Advance (Recommended by MarchingOrder)

Auto Advance is good for briskly paced ceremonies where graduates are scanned on or near the stage, and their name is immediately announced and displayed before they cross the stage. When using ProNounce pre-recorded names, we recommend using Auto Advance as it simplifies the stage setup and timing. 

When using Auto-Advance, because names are automatically announced/displayed when a QR code is scanned, it is the responsibility of the card scanner to keep proper pace and rhythm. This is also why it is important that the scanning location must be very close to the stage and video shot.

Manual Advance

As mentioned above with Manual Advance, when the QR codes are scanned, graduates enter a queue in the software. It becomes the Name Advancer’s job to use the keyboard to advance graduate names. This is advantageous if the scanning area is far away from the stage or the video shot. This way, names can be announced and displayed right as the graduate is entering the video shot and crossing the stage. Please see our task guide for the Name Advancers here.

To manually advance names, you will need a well-trained staff member solely dedicated to this task. When done correctly, this method can be just as efficient as an auto-advance ceremony. Additionally, it is crucial to have a dedicated Graduate Marshal to maintain order after scanning. Once graduates enter the queue, they must remain in the same order to ensure the correct name is announced during the stage crossing.
Due to the extra personnel and room for error that come with manually advancing names, MarchingOrder recommends only using this scanning method when the layout of the venue deems it necessary.

Timing Considerations

First, determine the “graduate path”: the distance from the release point to the location where graduates exit the video shot. You may alter the on-stage timing for display / announcements with the following methods:
  1. Alter the graduate release point: The closer that the graduate release point is to the video shot, the easier it is to time name display/announcement.
  2. Alter the on-stage greeting point: You can also shorten the graduate path by moving the greeting point closer to the side of the stage / graduate release point.
  3. Change the video shot: In some cases, it might make sense to show graduates entering the stage (rather than the on-stage greeting). In this case, graduates are announced as they enter the stage. They shake hands and / or collect their diploma cover after leaving the video shot.
  4. Your team should practice with the software and the video shot. Be sure to mark the floor with gaffer tape to identify when the graduate card should be scanned or manually advanced by your team.