Troubleshooting MarchingOrder Assistant

Troubleshooting MarchingOrder Assistant

Handling Incorrect Name Uploads

If the site hasn't been opened to graduates:
  1. Use the update feature to correct the “FirstName”, “LastName”, and “FullName” in the data.
  2. To update phonetics, please contact your Client Success Manager.

Managing Incorrect Email Uploads

  1. Correct the email addresses in the “Email” column of your data.
  2. Create a spreadsheet with only student IDs (column A) and corrected email addresses (column B).
  3. Use the update feature to run an update.
  4. On the update preview page, match the student ID to student ID instead of email to email.
  5. When selecting which data field on the spreadsheet to update, choose Email and select "Leave existing graduate data unchanged."
  6. Refer to the update instructions for detailed examples.

Placeholders in Email, Tickets, or GradPass Templates are Broken

Possible reasons for broken placeholders in email templates:

  1. Symbols such as “&”, “-”, “/”, “|”, “~” should not be used in any question in the registration form.
  2. No questions longer than 150 characters.
  3. The question used in the template was modified on the registration form.
    1. Any time a question on the registration form is modified it must be redone on the email template.
  4. The question that the placeholder is tied to no longer exists.

Automatic emails are not sending 

  1. Ensure the email template is linked to the question.
  2. Verify that the email template is set as an automatic email:
    1. Go to the Communication section, then Manage Templates.
    2. Click the edit icon next to the email template that should be automatically triggered.
    3. In the Trigger drop-down menu, ensure "Graduate Responded to question in survey" is selected.
  3. Ensure the question on the registration form has the correct email linked to it:
    1. Go to the Ceremonies section and then the Registration Form.
    2. Select the edit icon next to the question that should trigger an automatic email.
    3. Click the Answer Options tab.
    4. At the bottom of the pop-up window, next to "Email to send when chosen," open the drop-down menu to select your email template.

Unable to Add an Administrator

Error message: “Email conflicts with another administrator or student. Cannot add duplicate accounts. Administrator not saved.”

Note: An administrator cannot use the same email address as a graduate. If an administrator is also a graduate (e.g., student aid, volunteer), they need to be listed as an administrator with a different email address.

  1. Check if the administrator already exists:
    1. Use the search bar at the top of the administrator menu.
  2. If the administrator does not exist, check if the email address is listed as a graduate:
    1. Go to the Graduates section. Before selecting "Load all graduates," enter the email into the Quick Search bar at the top of the graduate menu.
    2. If the email address shows a graduate record, remove it from the ceremony using the Actions menu.
    3. If nothing populates when searched, click the Show Inactive toggle next to the search bar to search for the email address in previous ceremony periods.

Sections or Questions on the Registration Form are Not Showing to Graduates

For Sections:

  1. Go to the Ceremonies section and find the Registration Form.
  2. Click the edit icon next to the section header.
  3. Ensure the blue button in the middle of the pop-up window says "Visible on Form" and not "Hidden on Form." 
  4. Ensure that there is not a past expiration date on the section.
  5. Click Save and Close. Remember to save at the bottom of the page as well.

For Questions:

  1. Go to the Communication section and find the Manage Templates tab.
  2. Click the edit icon next to the question.
  3. Ensure the middle blue button of the pop-up window says "Visible on Form" and not "Hidden on Form."
  4. Ensure that there is not an expiration date that has passed on the question.
  5. Click Save and Close. Remember to save at the bottom of the page.

How to turn off the initial automatic email upon upload

Go to the Communications section and click the edit icon next to the Add Graduates to Website email template.
  1. In the Trigger drop-down menu, select - -NONE- - before clicking Save.
Note: it is recommended to turn this email back on to automatically send after your initial upload of graduates so that any additional uploads of graduates do not need to be manually emailed by you or other administrators.

Upload has missing information

  1. If upon upload your graduates have missing data from specific columns of your data upload, it is most likely that your data upload sheet’s headers did not match the data template.
  2. Correct your data headers, and follow the instructions to Run an Update to add the missing data.