Update Graduate Data

Update Graduate Data

Once the graduate data is imported and records are established on the MarchingOrder site, coordinators can continue managing the information by editing, deleting, or adding data following these steps.

NOTE: To create new graduate records, refer to the Importing Graduate Data instructions.

Prepare Your Data

  1. Create a Data Template with your Updated Data
    1. Create an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file
    2. Include at least two columns: 
      1. Identifier Column: Use an Email Address or another unique identifier such as a student ID. 
      2. Update Columns: Include any fields you want to update, such as Honors, Degree, etc. 
    3. Your data template does not need to have columns for every graduate data field; only include those needed for identification or updating records.

Select File for Update

  1. Open the Graduates module: 
    1. Click on the Add tab
  2. Upload Data: 
    1. Under Update Existing Graduates choose Upload Data
    2. Select your prepared data template and click Upload to start the update process. 
    3. After the upload is complete, you will be redirected to the Graduates page. A pop-up in the lower right corner will confirm that the update is complete. 
                      Update Options

Update Options

  1. Choose Ceremony: 
    1. From the Update Graduates from Ceremony dropdown, select the relevant ceremony title or leave it set to All Ceremonies. (Note: Ceremony-specific values can only be updated if a ceremony is selected.) 
  2. Identify Columns: 
    1. For the Use Spreadsheet Column option, choose the header from your file that contains the identifying values (e.g., Email Address). 
    2. Next to that, in the To update a graduate with a matching: dropdown, select the corresponding Graduate Data Field from your current list. This step establishes the match. 
  3. Select Update Fields: 
    1. Under Spreadsheet Column, you will see a list of fields from your update spreadsheet. 
    2. In the Update Field dropdown for each row, choose the field you want to update. 
    3. Under If Value is Empty in Spreadsheet, select how the system should handle empty fields: 
      1. Update the grad’s data to be empty (e.g., to remove Honors or Awards). 
      2. Leave the grad’s existing data unchanged (most common choice) 
  4. Verify Setup: 
    1. A row will be marked as ready for update when the Update toggle turns blue. Repeat steps 2-3 for each field you are updating.
  5. Review Changes:
    1. Click Review to see a summary of the changes. This is where you can check for missing graduates or other errors.
    2. If you need to make corrections, click Cancel and update your spreadsheet as needed. Then, run the process again. 

Running the Update

Confirm Update:
  1. Click Ok to proceed with the update.
  2. A notification window will appear in the lower right corner once the update is complete. 

Check Your Data

Verify Updates: Use the Graduate Views or search for individual graduates to ensure that the data has been updated correctly.