Settings Module

Settings Module


The settings section applies universally to all ceremonies within a college or university. Any modifications in this section will impact all schools using the MarchingOrder Assistant site. Therefore, only School Wide Administrators have access to these settings.

Graduate Website Settings

General Branding Settings 

Allows you to modify:
  1. School Logo
  2. School Colors
  3. School Support Email

Graduate Homepage:

Description: The first page graduates see upon logging into MarchingOrder.
Customization Options:
  1. Rename the homepage.
  2. Change or add instructions for graduates after login. By default, the instructions are “Register for your Ceremony below.”

Additional Ceremonies:

Description: Modify the labels and instructions for optional registration forms in the Ceremonies section.
Customization Options:
  1. Default: Optional ceremonies are called “Additional Ceremonies.”
  2. Graduates can choose to "Register" or "Remove me from this event."

Registration Form:

Customization Options:
  1. Change the name of the registration form.
  2. Modify the instructions. By default, forms are labeled “Graduation Registration Form” with instructions to “Register for your upcoming event.”

Graduate Login Settings

Login Page Redirect URL:
If using Single Sign-On (SSO), input the login URL provided by your IT team. This redirects graduates to the school's SSO login page.

Logout Redirect URL:
URL to redirect graduates after they log out of their MarchingOrder account.

Unauthorized Message:
Message displayed when a user cannot log in because they are not listed as a valid participant in MarchingOrder.

Features Settings

Pre-Populate Phonetics:
By default, phonetics for graduates' names are pre-populated upon upload. Toggle this feature off if you do not want the database to generate phonetics.

Activates necessary Graduate Data Fields to use MarchingOrder’s staff time management product, TimeClock. For more information on TimeClock, see Staff Check-in with Time Clock.