Add/Edit the Preferred Name Question

Add/Edit the Preferred Name Question

The Preferred Name Question is a specialized question type on your graduate registration form that allows ceremony coordinators to ask graduates how they prefer to be called and displayed at the ceremony. 

Since official records often do not include a graduate's preferred name, including this question on your registration form gives graduates the confidence and comfort of knowing that they will be recognized in the way they choose during their moment of triumph.

preferred name question

Include the Preferred Name Question on your Registration Form

Automatic Inclusion: If you indicated on your intake survey that you wanted this question, it will be automatically added to your registration form.
Adding the Question: If you initially chose not to include it but now want to, follow these steps:
  1. First, notify your CSM of your decision.
  2. Click the Add Question button under the section you want the question to be under
  3. Set the question Type to “Preferred Full Name”
  4. Both the Question and Details section can be edited to preference
  5. Click Save and Close to add the question to your form
  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of your form to commit your changes

preferred name question

Reviewing Submitted Names

Ceremony coordinators will have the opportunity to review and approve all submissions before production. Graduates that submit a response to the Preferred Name question will be listed in a Graduate View where they can be reviewed and approved by the ceremony coordinator.

To learn more about this see our article for Validating Graduate Submitted Content