Validating Graduate Submitted Content

Validating Graduate Submitted Content

What Do I Need to Validate?

Graduate-submitted content (like photos and messages or preferred name) is a great way to personalize your live or virtual ceremony and enrich the experience for family and friends. Graduates can upload their submissions via the Registration Form on the MarchingOrder Assistant website, and ceremony administrators can then review and approve or “validate” each submission before it is included in the ceremony software.

How do Validation Views Work?

Your Client Success Manager will build a validation view in your Graduates menu where any new graduate submissions will instantly appear.  A ceremony administrator can efficiently work through the queue and mark items as valid, edit/delete the submission, or leave it in the queue for future review. If a graduate changes their submission after they’ve been approved, they will automatically be added back into the queue for a fresh look.

Important: At your processing deadline, MarchingOrder will package all submitted content into your software (regardless of validation status), so be sure to edit or delete any questionable submissions before the data deadline.

Validation Instructions

Follow these instructions to get started.
  1. Log in to the MarchingOrder Assistant website:
    1. Click in to the Graduates module > Load All Graduates
    2. Select the ceremony from the All Ceremonies drop-down menu
    3. Choose the applicable ceremony.
  2. From the dropdown menu select the validation view. It may be titled “Photo/Message to be Validated” or something similar.
  3. Validate submissions
    1. All applicable content fields should be visible in this view. If they are not, please contact your CSM for assistance. Note: All submitted content, including photos, messages and preferred names must be validated together for each graduate.
    2. To validate a graduate’s record click the No icon – it will change to Yes and the record will be removed from your queue.
    3. To edit/delete a submission, click the blue “edit” button to the right of each row and it will take you to that specific student record. Here you will find options to change or edit the graduate’s submissions. Click Submit and then you can navigate back to the validation view to continue validating/editing. Refresh the page to see changes.
  4. Approved submissions can be found in the “Validated” view. If you accidentally mark a student’s record as valid before you’re ready, you can find them in the Validated view and change them back to not approved.
Tip: Hover your cursor over a photo to enlarge it. You can also quickly rotate images when they are enlarged using the icons that appear next to the photo.

Begin Validating graduate submitted content early and often. You can begin this process as soon as your registration form is open and graduates are submitting content. Don’t wait until the night before your data processing deadline to validate content. By then, the list will be long and your ability to make edits or come up with solutions will be limited.

Validation View