Set Dependent Questions on the Registration Form

Set Dependent Questions on the Registration Form


You can configure registration form questions to appear only if a specific answer is given to a previous question. For instance, you might want to show a ticketing section only if a graduate has RSVP'd "Yes" to the graduation ceremony. Follow these steps to set up dependent questions:

Step 1: Select the question or section to be made "Dependent"

  1. For a Whole Section: Click the edit icon on the blue header of the section.
  2. For an Individual Question: Click the edit icon next to the question.

Step 2: Choose the trigger answer 

  1. When you click on the edit icon, a pop up window will appear. In the pop-up, go to the Dependent Answer(s) section and select the answer that will trigger the visibility of the dependent question or section. For example, to show a section only if the graduate RSVPs "Yes" to the graduation ceremony, select the answer "Yes: Do you plan to participate in the graduation ceremony." 
  2. After making your selection, click Save and Close. Additionally, ensure you click Save at the bottom of the registration form to apply your changes.
  3. This ensures that any graduate who answered "No" will not see this section or question and will be directed to the next part of the form or to the submission section.

Step 3. Verify that the question dependency is set up correctly

  1. Access the "Test Graduate" record:
    1. Navigate to the Graduates module.
    2. Locate your test graduate: typically named "aaa aaa".
    3. Click the blue pencil "edit" icon to the right of the test graduate to edit the record.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click the Log In as Graduate button.
  3. Review the Registration form: You will now see the registration form as the graduate would.
  4. Test the Dependency Question: 
    1. If you select "Yes" for the RSVP question, the dependent question you created should appear.
    2. If you select "No" for the RSVP question, the dependent question should be hidden from the graduate’s view.

By following these steps, you can tailor your registration form to display relevant sections based on respondents' answers.