Running a Multi-Display Ceremony

Running a Multi-Display Ceremony


Multi-Display Ceremonies are when one or more ceremonies have multiple different layout options included in their software package. For clients that use more than one display format, MarchingOrder Director has an option to toggle between display types. The software can contain up to three display formats: lower third, full screen, and dual display.

If you are using multiple displays and one of those displays is dual, you will be prompted to select between Dual Queue -2 Procession Lines and Single Queue –1 Procession Line when entering display mode.

To enter Single Display or Slideshow Mode

  1. Double click MarchingOrder Director.exe.
  2. Click Begin Ceremony Display from the software home screen. Choose Single Queue –1 Procession Line.

To enter Dual Display Mode

  1. Double click MarchingOrder Director.exe.
  2. Click Begin Ceremony Display from the software home screen. Choose Dual Queue –2 Procession Lines.
  3. For instructions on how to advance the name queue, see the Running a Dual Display Ceremony section.
After choosing your desired Dual or Single display type, there will not be an option to toggle between full screen and lower third with dual display. To change back to single or slideshow display, return to the MarchingOrder Director home screen and click Begin Ceremony Display and choose Single Queue –1 Procession Line.