Running a Dual Line Ceremony

Running a Dual Line Ceremony

Running a Dual Display Ceremony

In a dual display setup, two graduates and their names are shown on-screen simultaneously, one from each side of the stage. This process differs slightly from a single line ceremony. If a procedure is not specifically mentioned here, follow the standard protocols detailed in the single line ceremony guide.

Equipment Setup

QR Scanners

  1. Utilize two QR scanners: one positioned on Stage Left and the other on Stage Right.
  2. Both scanners should be connected to the same Ceremony Display Laptop via a USB extender.
  3. Follow best practices, such as avoiding interference with other cables, as detailed in the main guide.

Ceremony Execution

Manual Advance vs Automatic Advance

  1. If the Manual Advance option is used, two external keyboards are necessary due to limited space for accommodating two operators on a single laptop.
  2. If the Automatic Advance option is selected, a single keyboard will suffice. Graduate slides and/or audio will play immediately upon scanning.

Advancing Names

You will need four assistants – two to scan the cards and two to advance the names. The card scanning personnel will stand in the scanning areas on either side of the stage. The name advancers will be seated at the ceremony laptop. If your ceremony is using “Auto-Advance”, no name advancing personnel is needed.

When you start the software, there are two display queues, “Left Side of Screen” and “Right Side of Screen”. The name advancers will use different keys to advance graduate names (See image below).

"Blanking" the Display Screen

  1. Simultaneous Blanking: Press the <spacebar> to blank both sides of the MarchingOrder graphic.
  2. Single Side Blanking: To blank only one side (e.g., if one side of the stage is complete while the other continues), scan a blank card after the last graduate on that side.