Mass Issuing Guest Tickets

Mass Issuing Guest Tickets


If you prefer to automatically issue tickets to graduates rather than requiring them to claim tickets individually, you can perform a data update to distribute tickets in bulk. This can be done for all graduates or a selected group.

Creating the Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open Excel and Create a New Document
  1. Add the following headers to the first row of your spreadsheet:
    1. Email
    2. Ticket Allotment

2. Enter Graduate Data
  1. Email: Enter the email address of each graduate - this will be used as an adentifier by the system to ensure each grad receives the correct number of tickets.
  2. Ticket Allotment: Enter the total number of tickets each graduate should receive.
    1. Example: If a graduate currently has 1 ticket and you want to increase their total to 5 tickets, enter "5" in the Ticket Allotment column.
3. Save Your Excel File
  1. Save the file in a location that is easily accessible.

Verifying Ticket Allotments

Check the Ticket Allotment
  1. Before uploading your Excel sheet, verify that the total number of tickets you plan to issue does not exceed the current ticket allotment for the ceremony.
  2. Navigate to the Ticketing Module in the Ceremonies section by clicking the Ticketing button next to the ceremony you are managing.
  3. Review the ticketing details to ensure the additional tickets will not exceed the allowed total allotment.
    1. Note: The system will prevent you from issuing tickets that exceed the total allotment. If necessary, adjust the overall ticket allotment before proceeding.

Run an Update to Mass Issue Tickets to Multiple Graduates

  1. Go to the Graduate Section on the left toolbar of your dashboard.
  2. Click on the Add tab.
  3. Select Upload Data from the "Update Existing Graduates" column options.
  4. Locate and select the Excel file you saved earlier.
  5. Click Upload to begin the process.

Preview the Update

  1. Select the ceremony you wish to update from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the "Use Spreadsheet Column" dropdown, select Email.
  3. In the "To Update a Graduate with a Matching" dropdown, select Email.
  4. Under "Spreadsheet Column," find Ticket Allotment.
  5. In the "Update Field" dropdown menu, select Ticket Allotment.
  6. In the "If Value is Empty in Spreadsheet" dropdown, choose the appropriate action:
    1. Leave the grad’s existing data unchanged: If there is no data in the Excel sheet for this column, the graduate's ticket count will remain unchanged.
    2. Update grad’s data to be empty: If there is no data in the Excel sheet for this column, all tickets for that graduate will be removed.
  7. Click the green Review button to preview your data before running the update.

Review Graduates Pending Update

  1. Verify that the ticket allotments have been correctly updated for each graduate, ensuring they match the data in your spreadsheet.
  2. Click Run Update to mass issue the guest tickets



  1. Issue: Ticket Allotments Do Not Update
    Solution: Ensure the Email and Ticket Allotment data in the Excel sheet are accurate and that the file is correctly formatted.
  1. Issue: Error Uploading the Excel File
    Solution: Verify that the file format is .xlsx or .csv and check that the file is not corrupted.


Q: How can I check if the ticketing update was successful?
A: After uploading, verify the ticket numbers in the Graduate Section under the relevant ceremony.

Q: What should I do if the Excel file has errors?
A: Review the data for accuracy, ensure there are no extra spaces or formatting issues, and re-upload the file.

Q: Can I upload data for multiple ceremonies at once?
A: Data must be uploaded for one ceremony at a time. Repeat the process for additional ceremonies as needed.