Send Emails Based on Registration Form Responses

Send Emails Based on Registration Form Responses

You can customize messages that graduates receive based on their responses to specific questions in the registration form. For instance, you may wish to send a different email to graduates who RSVP “Yes” compared to those who RSVP “No.” 

Ensure that the question(s) and corresponding answers are included in the registration form.

To access the registration form:
    1. Navigate to the Ceremonies module.
    2. Locate the desired ceremony, then click the blue Edit (paper and pencil) button on the left side.
    3. Click on the Website tab at the top.
    4. Go to the Registration Form tab.                                                                                                               
    5. Scroll down to find the RSVP question. If it's not present, you can add it to an existing section or create a new section.
    6. Once added, proceed to create a template for each possible answer.

Create Email Templates for Each Answer

  1. Navigate to the Communications module and select the Manage Templates tab.
  2. Click the green New Template button.
  3. Fill in details such as template name, assign it to the correct ceremony, set sender email, subject, and body. Note: The template name should be something that is easy to differentiate, such as RSVP No or RSVP Yes
  4. After creating the email, set the trigger by clicking the Trigger dropdown menu and selecting "Graduate response to question in survey." Click Save.

Link Email Templates to Answers

  1. Back in the registration form, click to edit the question that corresponds to the email template.
    1. Navigate to the Answer Options tab.
    2. Click your curser onto the answer for each response that needs to have a specific automatic email tied to it
    3. Select the appropriate email template from the Email to send when chosen dropdown menu.
    4. Repeat these steps for each answer option.

Save and Finalize

  1. Save and Close the Answer Options
  2. Ensure to click Save at the bottom of the form to apply all changes. 

Using this feature enables you to effectively communicate necessary information to graduates based on their registration form responses, optimizing your administrative processes.