Sending an Email

Sending an Email

To Send Emails:
  1. From the Dashboard, select the Communications module. From the Send Email tab, you will select the population you want to send an email to from the Standard Filter drop down menu. For more information on Custom Filters, contact your Customer Success Manager. 
  2. From the Load Template drop-down menu, click on the template you would like to send. This will automatically populate the Sender Email, Subject, and Message fields.
  3. Click Review Recipient Total. You will see a pop-up window that will confirm the number of emails you are sending along with the option to enter an email to receive a notification when the emails have successfully been sent.
  4. Select Send Now.
To view the status of your email, select the View Sent Emails tab to see a timestamp of your email along with how many graduates have opened and viewed your email, along with any emails that bounced.

To view specific emails that have been opened or bounced, select the icon under the Details column.