Reviewing Standard Reports

Reviewing Standard Reports


The reports section provides two types of reports: Standard Reports and Custom Reports. Standard Reports offer a quick snapshot of basic ceremony information, while Custom Reports allow you to build charts and graphs for additional reportable data you may need.

To view the reporting information for any standard report, first select the ceremony from the dropdown menu at the top right of each section.

Standard Reports

Graduate Activity

  1. Complete Form: Displays graduates who have successfully submitted their forms. Note that this is not a representation of all graduates who indicated they would attend.
  2. Did Not Complete Form: Shows graduates who have not submitted their forms, including those who logged in but did not complete the form and those who have never logged in.
  3. Never Accessed Form: Lists graduates who have never logged in to the site.

Grad Info

  1. Grads with Photo: Indicates the number of graduates who have submitted a custom photo for their full-screen slide.
  2. Grads with a Message: Indicates the number of graduates who have submitted a custom message for their full-screen slide.
  3. Say It Right Recorded: Shows the number of graduates who have submitted their own name recording.

Responses to a Question with a Maximum Selection

For questions on your registration form with a limited number of responses (e.g., time slots for gown pickup or stage crossings), this section shows the number of selections versus the maximum number of responses allowed.