Customizing Email Templates

Customizing Email Templates

Template Organization

From the Dashboard, click into the Communications module and then click Manage Templates. Email templates can be edited, enriched with media, branding and customized information. 

You’ll notice that email templates are organized under three sections:
Automated School-Wide Templates: These are usually used for Admin emails and are sent when a new Administrator is added to the site, prompting them to sign in and create a password.

Automated Ceremony Templates: Emails in this section are divided by ceremony. Email templates are placed in this section when a Trigger is assigned AND when a specific ceremony is selected. If a ceremony is not selected, the template will be moved to the “Automated School-Wide Templates” section. It is important to make sure that if you create an email for a specific ceremony, you assign it as such within the template.

Non Automated Ceremony Templates: Non automated templates are divided by those with a Ceremony Assigned (and will appear under that section), or under a No Ceremony Assigned section.

Email Triggers

Triggers can be added to automate emails when new graduates are uploaded to the site or based on a graduate survey responses. MarchingOrder has already included relevant email templates in your communication module. Important automated emails templates to review and edit before importing graduates are:
  1. Add Graduate to Website template is automatically triggered when graduates are added/imported to the website. This email prompts graduates to log onto the MarchingOrder site to register. The trigger name for this action is “Graduate added to ceremony” 
  2. Graduate Submitted Form template is the confirmation email that is triggered when a graduate submits the registration form. This sends an email confirmation to the graduate confirming that they've registered and could contain other relevant ceremony information provided by the Admin. The trigger name for this action is “Graduate submitted a survey” 
If you prefer not to automate your email templates, change the trigger to “None” to make it a non-automated template. Instead, you can manually send emails to your graduates after you’ve imported them into the site. If you are still unsure about these options, contact your dedicated Client Success Manager for assistance.

Using Placeholders in Emails

Placeholders can be added to any email template by selecting one from the “Insert placeholder” drop down menu.

You can use placeholders (highlighted in yellow) to add specific ceremony and graduate information to the email template like ceremony dates, and graduate name or degree type. MarchingOrder will include common ceremony placeholders that pull directly from your ceremony data.

When ceremonies are copied, placeholders will automatically update to reflect the new ceremony's graduate data. This simplifies the process and saves time by eliminating the need for manual editing. Placeholders are a great tool to use when managing multiple active ceremonies at once, and even saves time year over year on editing.

Placeholder Example

Email placeholder example