Guest Verification Ticketing

Guest Verification Ticketing

The Guest Verification feature allows you to verify guest identity prior to your guests receiving their tickets. Guest verification also allows guest to agree to your attendance terms and conditions in a secure and convenient way.

Guest Verification Settings

  1. Go to the Ceremonies module and open the Ticketing section.
  2. Navigate to the Guest Verification Settings tab.
  3. You can update the:
    1. Title of the Terms and Conditions section.
    2. Edit the Terms and Conditions content.
    3. Select either checkbox or initial as confirmation of agreement.
    4. Content for Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions sections.

Steps for Guest

Once set up, graduates can invite their guests to the ceremony by sending a link to complete the guest verification form. Guests will fill out and submit the form, agreeing to the school’s attendance terms, and will then receive their ticket, which can be saved or printed. 

These fields include:
  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Mobile Phone Number
  4. Email Address
  5. Checkbox or initial for acknowledgement of your Terms and Conditions.

Remember to review and update the Graduate Sent Guest Ticket email tempalte in the Communications sectionto ensure all information is accurate. Once guests have started filling out the verification forms, you can access this information on the graduates page.