GradChat Instructions

GradChat Instructions


GradChat is an AI chat bot that will assist you and your team with responding to graduate’s and their families questions regarding your Commencement Ceremony. 

Documents and Information required to create your University's Customized GradChat:
  1. Commencement website links to crawl for information for initial training.
  2. Commencement ceremony dates, times and venues for all colleges .
  3. Deadlines - registration, guest tickets, uploading photos, etc.
  4. Eligibility to register for graduation.
  5. Support email addresses and phone numbers for all colleges .
  6. Links to: 
    1. Registration 
    2. University store 
    3. Frequently asked questions that admin staff receive and answers to these questions
      1. If FAQs/ above info is available as PDFs or .docx, that is acceptable
    4. University logo for chat icon - must be square (The icon will rest on the bottom right corner of the page)
    5. Any additional phrases or school spirit you want to train chatbot on 
  1. A name for your chatbot.
MarchingOrder will train the chatbot using the above information  before sending it back to the school for deployment.


To integrate the chatbot on the commencement website, the university's web development team will need to copy and paste your JavaScript snippet - provided by your CSM, which will look something like the below sample:

window.embeddedChatbotConfig = {
chatbotId: "h_1-EJB_rqafe9PfgeFFvoS",
domain: ""


  1. Copy the GradChat JavaScript integration code provided by your CSM.
  2. Embed the code within the website's HTML, preferably in the <head> or before the closing </body> tag.
  3. Verify the script's placement on all Commencement page subdomains where GradChat should appear.


  1. If significant changes are made to the commencement website, FAQ documentation or important dates/deadlines, please inform your CSM so that the chatbot can be updated and retrained.
  2. Logs are not collected on interactions with the chatbot.  If a question is asked of the chatbot that it can not answer, it inform the person to contact the school’s provided support email address or phone number to have someone on the event staff address their unique question directly.

Privacy & Security information

  1. No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected .
  2. Rate limiting to prevent spamming/DOS.
  3. Only allow the iframe and widget on specific domains.
  4. Data encrypted in transit and rest state.
  5. Profanity filters added .
  6. Regular security audits conducted 

Accessibility Information 

Keyboard Navigation: We prioritize keyboard accessibility, enabling users to navigate and interact with the chatbot using keyboard commands alone. This ensures that individuals who rely on keyboard navigation can easily engage with the chatbot.
Color Contrast: We adhere to accessibility guidelines for color contrast, ensuring that text and visual elements have sufficient contrast to be easily readable for users with visual impairments.
Alternative Text: We encourage the use of alternative text for images and other visual elements within the chatbot. This allows screen readers to provide descriptions of these elements to visually impaired users. 

For technical assistance or queries, our dedicated support team is here to help. Contact for prompt resolution of any issues.