Generate a Slideshow Video

Generate a Slideshow Video


The slideshow video (mp4) can be easily generated from the MarchingOrder Director software.


1. Click the Generate Slideshow Video button located on the main menu.
2. Before generating your slideshow, be sure to set the slide duration as desired by going to Settings > Ceremony Options then adjusting Interval per Slide (in seconds) to your desired interval under Slideshow Options.

3. Select the Order you would like to use for the slideshow.
4. Select what you would like to do when the slideshow is complete:
  1. Stop on last slide - will stop the slideshow after all students have been displayed.
  2. Return to first slide - will restart the slideshow from the beginning.
5. When you have updated all options to your preferences, click Done.
6. Select the Generate Slideshow button.

Slidshow Button

7. A pop-up window will request that you Select Student Groups:
  1. If you have more than one ceremony, you will be asked to select the ceremony you wish to generate. You can also select specific groups within the ceremony, if special slideshow grouping has been requested prior to finalizing your ceremony software.
  2. If you use Graduate Check-In at your live event you can select to include only Checked in Graduates or Not Checked in Graduates in the slideshow video.

Checked In Grads

8. When export is complete a “Slide Generation Completed” message will appear.

Note: Exported videos will save in .mp4 format and will be saved in the Saved Videos Folder within your main MarchingOrder Director software folder.