Exporting Procession Logs

Exporting Procession Logs

Log files are useful post-ceremony for viewing reports of who crossed the stage, and for delivery to photographers for cross referencing images to graduate data. Save your data from the MarchingOrder Director software to plan for future ceremonies.

Exporting Data
Data from your ceremony can be used for ceremony analytics and planning for future programs. It’s also valuable to share with photography vendors to make sure grads match up with their correct photos. There are a few ways to extract data from MarchingOrder Director.


  1. After each ceremony go to Logs on the MarchingOrder Director Software menu and click Export Procession Log. [You can close out of Display Mode without fear of losing procession data. It will be saved in the software (on the ceremony computer only) until the software is deleted.
  2. Export the log to a thumb drive and give to your photographer.
  3. You may also email the log as desired.

From the same menu, you can also email logs to MarchingOrder or a recipient of your choosing. To do this, you will need to activate your wireless network, as it will be disconnected during the ceremony.

From the Import/Export menu, select Export All Data to generate a file that has all graduates, even if they were not scanned. This data can be used as a reference for the Procession Log and can be archived or used for event analysis.

Every scan is recorded in a file called “Marching Order Procession.txt,” found in the “Logs” folder (same directory as the MarchingOrder Director software)

At a minimum, the procession log will have the name and barcode number of each student that was scanned as they crossed the stage, as well as a timestamp. 

Example of a Procession Log


Be sure to save or email the procession logs prior to deleting any ceremony data from the laptop used to run the MarchingOrder software.

By looking at the timestamps, you can determine which students belong to which ceremony (if there were multiple ceremonies), and how long it took to announce the names. The beginning and end of a ceremony will be labeled with “START” and “END”. You will also see entries for any testing that was done – these can be disregarded. The ceremony data can be easily differentiated both by the timestamp and the number of graduates.

Should you wish to receive more detailed information related to the students scanned, contact MarchingOrder – any data from the graduate cards file may be added to the procession log. Many administrators use this data to create advanced charts and graphs based on attendance and RSVP statistics. If you have any questions about doing this, we are happy to assist you with identifying the best ways to use the data captured through MarchingOrder.