Equipment and Laptop Specifications

Equipment and Laptop Specifications

Equipment Provided by MarchingOrder

QR Code Scanner: To scan the graduate cards or labels. Shipped with a stand, which allows for “Hands-Free Mode”. 
USB QR Scanner

USB Extenders: To ensure a powerful connection between the QR code scanner and the display laptop. Shipped with AC power adapter which MUST be used.
USB Extender

Cat6 Cable: To connect the on-stage QR code scanner with the display laptop. Available in lengths of 100 and 150 feet.
Cat6 Ethernet cable

Equipment Sourced by Client

At a minimum you will need to provide one (1) laptop to run the MarchingOrder Director software for your ceremony. Additional laptops at help desk locations are optional, though they make updates and check-ins easier prior to the beginning of the ceremony. Changes can easily be updated from the help desk laptop(s) to the ceremony laptop by following our Export and Merge Database instructions.

Laptop Specifications:

A powerful computer always performs better, particularly for large ceremonies.
The minimum laptop requirements are:
  1. Mac or PC Laptop (PC recommended, and required for dual-line ceremonies)
  2. Intel i5 processor or better (Mac M1 and M2 supported)
  3. 8 GB RAM minimum
  4. USB 2.0 connector for the QR/Barcode scanner ***Laptops that only have USB-C will need the proper adapter for USB 2.0
  5. HDMI video out
  6. Audio Out
  7. Reliable power adapter ***To be used at ALL times

Optional Equipment

External Monitor (Optional):
Optional item to help the laptop operator keep proper timing as they advance graduate names. Ask your Audio/Video team to supply a monitor.
External monitor

USB Keyboard (Optional):
Optional item to give the laptop operator more space to manually advance graduate names and avoid disrupting other laptop connections.
External keyboard