Edit the Graduate Home Page

Edit the Graduate Home Page

The graduate homepage is the landing page graduates will encounter when they log into MarchingOrder. As an administrator, you have the capability to customize this page, including modifying the button labels and other content.

To make edits to this section, navigate to the Ceremonies module and select the ceremony you want to edit. Select the Website tab in the upper right corner, then select the Graduate Homepage tab.

How to Make Edits
Access the Edit Mode:
  1. Select the area you wish to modify.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the section you want to edit.

Make Your Edits: Update the text or button labels as needed.

Save Changes:
  1. After making your edits, click Save.
  2. Then, select Close to exit the editing mode.

Important Note: The "Registration Complete" message will only be visible to graduates after the registration period has ended.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the graduate homepage accurately reflects the necessary information and is tailored to your institution’s needs.