Create Custom Reports

Create Custom Reports


Custom Reports allow you to access and analyze data points that are not available in the Standard Reports section.

Creating a New Report

  1. Initiate Report Creation:
    1. Click on Create A New Report at the top of the page.
  2. Step-by-Step Process:
    1. Step 1: Name the report.
    2. Step 2: Choose a population for your custom report:
      1. All Graduates: Create reports using data that applies to all graduates.
      2. Specific Ceremony: Create reports specific to each individual ceremony registration form.
        1. If Specific Ceremony is selected, you will need to choose the ceremony for the report.
    3. Step 3: Choose your report type:
      1. Total Number of Responses: Shows the number of graduates who answered a specific form question.
      2. Sum Responses Data: Provides a sum of the responses entered. This is suitable for questions or GDFs with numeric answers and can also be used for ticket reports.
      3. Data for Specific Responses: Indicates the number of graduates who selected a specific answer to a question, including any Graduate Data Fields for that answer.
    4. Step 4: Select the question you want to use to build your report.
  3. Review and Create Report:
    1. Review your selections from each step on the preview page. Edit if necessary, then select Create Report.

Viewing a Custom Report

  1. Select the Ceremony:
    1. Choose the ceremony the custom report was built for from the "Custom Reports for Ceremony" dropdown menu.
  2. Access the Report:
    1. Custom Reports are listed with the newest reports at the bottom of the page. Select the desired report to view it.