Copy a Ceremony/Create a New Ceremony

Copy a Ceremony/Create a New Ceremony


The MarchingOrder Assistant website lets School Administrators copy ceremonies to revise and use for the new term, streamlining the setup process year over year. 
School Administrators can copy ceremonies from the current period for duplication, or from a past ceremony period so edits can be made for the current period. Administrators who want to clone a ceremony from a past ceremony period will need to inform their Customer Success Manager, so a code can be added that populates important information to their Dashboard.

Copy a Ceremony

Before you log in to your Dashboard, MarchingOrder will have already cloned and prepared a ceremony for you. This ceremony can be edited and duplicated if multiple ceremonies are taking place.

The Copy Ceremony feature duplicates a ceremony from a current or previous term. Copying a ceremony clones all customizations from the original ceremony, including: Ceremony Settings, Add-On Features such as
GradPass, Registration Form, Graduate Data Fields, and Email Templates. These can then be customized to fit the new event. If you are editing a ceremony for duplication within the current ceremony period, make sure these sections are configured the way you want before copying. This way, you can avoid having to make several duplicate edits later on.

To begin, login to your administrator account at
  1. Confirm that you are viewing the current ceremony period by looking at the top right corner of the MarchingOrder Assistant Dashboard. If needed, click change? and select the current period.
  2. Click into the Ceremonies module from the navigation menu on the left.
  3. At the top of the module, you’ll see two green buttons: New Ceremony and Copy Ceremony.
  4. Select Copy Ceremony
  5. A window will pop up asking you to select the Ceremony Period you want to copy from and the specific Ceremony you want to copy. Make sure the Copy Registration Form selection is checked Yes before you continue.
  6. Make your selections and press OK
  7. Now your ceremony is copied and ready for additional edits. 
After the copy is complete you will be taken to the Ceremony Details page for the copied ceremony. Here you can edit the Title, Date/Time, Location and other important details for this ceremony. Click the green Save button when finished.
The newly copied ceremony will now display in the ceremony list within the Ceremonies module. Administrators can edit the registration form, graduate data fields and email templates for the newly copied ceremony.

Create New Ceremony

It's recommended that you talk to your Customer Success Manager and inform them if you create a new ceremony. They will need to add a code that populates important information to the new ceremony you create. 

New ceremonies are a great way to “start from scratch” if previous ceremonies have gotten too cluttered, but keep in mind that they also come with some pre-loaded “default” information. This information will need to be thoroughly reviewed and edited. The sections you will need to review are:
  1. Registration form questions (Ceremonies module)
  2. Graduate data fields (Data Fields module)
  3. Email templates (Communications module)