Confirm Graduate Data Fields

Confirm Graduate Data Fields


Graduate Data Fields represent the data you will be importing to the site and establish your data template.

It is crucial to ensure that all relevant information is included for various purposes: displaying key details such as Degrees, Majors, and Honors on graduate slides; enabling filtering of graduate slides during virtual ceremonies by Degree, School, or Department; and facilitating the sorting of slides for the slideshow video generated with the final MarchingOrder Director Software. Additionally, the data should include card sorting information for categories such as ceremony, college, or school.

Confirm Graduate Data Fields

  1. Define Graduate Data Fields: 
    1. Click on the Data Fields module located in the left-side toolbar.
    2. Review and define the data fields you will need for your Excel data template. Each field will correspond to a column in your Excel template.
    3. Note that the standard fields, including First Name, Last Name, Full Name, and Email Address, are required and cannot be edited. These fields are essential for loading graduate data into the site.
  2. Identify Field Types: 
    1. School-Wide Fields: These fields apply to all ceremonies if you have multiple ceremonies. They are used for data that is consistent across all ceremonies.
    2. Ceremony-Specific Fields: These fields apply to individual ceremonies and allow you to input different data for each ceremony if you have multiple registration forms.
  3. Add and Configure Data Fields:
    1. To add a new field, click the green Add Field button.
    2. Enter a title for the field.
    3. Assign the field to specific ceremonies by clicking the orange plus button next to the ceremony name. This will change the button to a green check.
    4. Click Save to add the new field.
  4. Reorder Data Fields:
    1. You can reorder your graduate data fields as needed. Fields that are used for display, sorting, or filtering can be arranged according to your preferences.
  5. Ensure Data Quality: 
    1. Review your data fields with your Customer Success Manager to ensure that all necessary data for display, sorting, or filtering is included.
    2. Keep your data fields as simple as possible and avoid including unnecessary information that will not be used for display, sorting, or filtering.
  6. Use Predefined Values: 
    1. Consider using predefined values to prevent errors caused by inconsistent data. This will ensure your data is ready for display and avoids confusing errors.
  7. Download Your Data Template: 
    1. Once you are satisfied with your data fields, go to the Graduates module.
    2. Click the Add tab.
    3. Click the Download Template button to download your Excel data template.
By following these steps, you will prepare a comprehensive and organized data template that can be used to upload graduate information to the site effectively.